使用专用的方法评估和处理稀疏数据偏倚(sparse-data bias)。
如果结果发生率较高,应报告危险比(risk ratio)或危险差(risk difference),而不是比值比(odds ratio)。
即使使用了相乘模型(multiplicative),也要评估相加交互作用(additive interactions)。
Panel: Basic recommendations for accurate reporting ofstatistics
Depending on the distribution, report either mean and SD or median and lQR for the description of quantitative variables. Provide supplemental material showing histograms or tables of the variables used in analyses.
Check all model assumptions, preferably with graphs where feasible.
Do not dichotomise p values ≥0.0001; instead, show the precise p value (eg, a p value of 0.032 should be shown as p=0.032, not p<0.05). However, the inequality p<0.0001 can be used to report very small p values.
Do not report results as showing no effect, unless all effects inside the interval estimate are clinically unimportant.
Interpret results on the basis of the clinical importance, with appropriate estimates of association with 95% Cls.
ldentify confounders on the basis of background information,as depicted in causal directed acycic graphs, not signifcance tests.
If the proportion of missing data is high enough to potentially affect results, use methods beyond simply discarding incomplete ecords-eg,inverse-probability-of-missingness weighting or multiple imputation.
Assess and handle sparse-data bias in ratio estimates with methods developed for that purpose.
If the outcome frequency is high, report risk ratios or risk differences instead of odds ratios.
Assess additive interactions even if your model is multiplicative.